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Adding a Menu Item to the Admin Navigation from a Module

The INavigationProvider interface is the entry point to every task related to handling admin navigation menu items.
In order to add menu items from your module you just need to create a class that implements that interface.

What you will build

You will build a module that will add a menu item at the root level and two child menu items.
Each menu item will point to its own view.

What you will need

Creating an Orchard Core CMS site and module

There are different ways to create sites and modules for Orchard Core. You can learn more about them here. In this guide we will use our "Code Generation Templates".

You can install the latest released templates using this command:

dotnet new install OrchardCore.ProjectTemplates::1.8.3-*


To use the development branch of the template add --nuget-source

Create an empty folder that will contain your site. Open a terminal, navigate to that folder and run this:

dotnet new occms -n MySite

This creates a new Orchard Core CMS site in a new folder named MySite. We can now create a new module with the following command:

dotnet new ocmodulecms -n MyModule

The module is created in the MyModule folder. The next step is to reference the module from the application, by adding a project reference:

dotnet add MySite reference MyModule

We also need a reference to the OrchardCore.Admin package in order to be able to implement the required interfaces:

dotnet add .\MyModule\MyModule.csproj package OrchardCore.Admin --version 1.8.3-*


To use the development branch of the template add --source --version 1.8.3-*

Adding our controller and views

Adding the controller

Create a DemoNavController.cs file to the .\MyModule\Controllers folder, with these contents:


using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using OrchardCore.Admin;

namespace MyModule.Controllers
    public class DemoNavController : Controller
        public ActionResult ChildOne()
            return View();

        public ActionResult ChildTwo()
            return View();


The [Admin] attribute ensures the controller is using the Admin theme and users have the permission to access it.
Another way to have this behavior would have been to name this class AdminController.

Adding the views

Create a folder .\MyModule\Views\DemoNav, and add to it these two files:


<p>View One</p>


<p>View Two</p>

Adding the menu items

Now you just need to add a class that implements INavigationProvider interface.
By convention, we call these classes AdminMenu.cs and put it in the root of our module's folder.


using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Localization;
using OrchardCore.Navigation;

namespace MyModule
    public class AdminMenu : INavigationProvider
        private readonly IStringLocalizer S;

        public AdminMenu(IStringLocalizer<AdminMenu> localizer)
            S = localizer;

        public Task BuildNavigationAsync(string name, NavigationBuilder builder)
            // We want to add our menus to the "admin" menu only.
            if (!String.Equals(name, "admin", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                return Task.CompletedTask;

            // Adding our menu items to the builder.
            // The builder represents the full admin menu tree.
                .Add(S["My Root View"], S["My Root View"].PrefixPosition(),  rootView => rootView               
                    .Add(S["Child One"], S["Child One"].PrefixPosition(), childOne => childOne
                        .Action("ChildOne", "DemoNav", new { area = "MyModule"}))
                    .Add(S["Child Two"], S["Child Two"].PrefixPosition(), childTwo => childTwo
                        .Action("ChildTwo", "DemoNav", new { area = "MyModule"})));

            return Task.CompletedTask;


We suggest to use the PrefixPosition extension method for the second parameter (position) if you want to keep an alphabetical sort when the strings will be translated in other languages.

Then you have to register this service in the Startup.cs file of the module.

At the top of the Startup.cs file, add this using statement:

using OrchardCore.Navigation;

Add this line to the ConfigureServices() method:

services.AddScoped<INavigationProvider, AdminMenu>();

Testing the resulting application

From the root of the folder containing both projects, run this command:

dotnet run --project .\MySite\MySite.csproj


If you are using the development branch of the templates, run dotnet restore .\MySite\MySite.csproj --source before running the application

Your application should now be running and contain the open ports:

Now listening on: https://localhost:5001
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

Open a browser on https://localhost:5001

If you have not already setup your site, select Blank Site as the recipe, and use SQLite as the database.

Once your site is ready, you should see a The page could not be found. message which is expected for a Blank Site recipe.

Enter the Admin section by opening https://localhost:5001/admin and logging in.

Using the left menu go to Configuration: Features, search for your module, MyModule, and enable it.

Now your module is enabled and you should see a new entry on the admin.
Click on the new menu items to render the Views we created earlier.


You just learned how to add menu items to the Admin Navigation.